April 6th and 7th, 2024

Canto Intermedii et Concerti: Italian Secular Vocal and Instrumental Music of the Early Baroque

Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 4:00pm St Alban’s Episcopal Church, Cape Elizabeth

Sunday, April 7, 2024 at 4:00pm St Mary’s Episcopal Church, Falmouth

Hentus Van Rooyen, guest conductor

The main feature of this program will be the Intermedi by early 17th Century Italian composer Fillippo Vitali. Vitali wrote his Intermedi fatti per la Commedia degl’Accademici Inconstanti probably in 1622 and it was published and performed in Florence at the Medici Court in 1623. Intermedi was a theatrical performance of music which was performed between the acts of a play to celebrate special occasions in Italian Courts.  The program will be completed with selections of Concerted Madrigals and Instrumental music from the same time period.